Did you know that appreciated, non-cash assets are a great, tax-smart way to multiply your impact when giving?
Many people have their wealth tied up in assets like stocks, real estate, jewelry, or business interests, while only a fraction of it is in cash, where their giving is coming from. Asset-Based Giving is a great way to multiply your impact!
Contact your Tax Advisor for details relating to your personal situation and consider a generous non-cash gift to Messianic Mandate. Then contact us, we can assist you in processing this type of donation.
When you give your appreciated non-cash assets – you will likely:
Pay less taxes
Be able to send more money to Messianic Mandate and other ministries doing God’s work
Improve your cash flow
You can make an RRSP charitable rollover gift this year if you are 70½ or older and own a traditional RRSP. Your donation of up to $100,000 annually can be made directly from your RRSP to Messianic Mandate without paying income tax on the withdrawal. Your gift will also satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for the year, and best of all will change lives as you partner with us to love people into the Kingdom of God… one at a time!
Contact your RRSP plan custodian for more information and request a direct transfer of funds to Messianic Mandate to insure that your gift will be tax-free. Then contact us to let us know.
For most people the largest gift they will ever give will occur in a moment of time when they leave all their possessions behind and go on to be in the glorious presence of Yeshua forever! Your Will can be a simple and meaningful way of giving to expand Yeshua’s Kingdom work through Messianic Mandate. Without a will, the government dictates who receives your assets and who becomes guardian of your minor children.
An up-to-date Will can offer peace of mind as you put in place the plan for blessing your family and the ministries you love. A gift made through your Will provides a legacy, which directs your earthly treasure to produce heavenly treasure. Your planning now can result in many Jewish people entering into the joy of our Lord long after you have entered in yourself.
Contact your attorney to make a Will or to update your present Will. Then contact us to let us know.